Category | Topics |
AnnouncementsRelease summaries, changes to governance, and other important information that goes to everyone.
CommunityWelcome new community members, discuss events and talks, and connect with the people that make ODK possible. If you are unsure of the category to post, this is a good default.
SupportHave a question about form design, installing and using ODK, or are seeing unexpected behavior with ODK, post here. Support is provided by volunteers so be patient and kind!
IdeasWould you like to change something in ODK? Describe it here. The roadmap at has the ideas we're working on now.
DevelopmentDiscuss the process of building and modifying ODK: dev setups, code structure, APIs, translations, docs. Form design questions or usage questions should go to Support.
ShowcaseShare examples of what you've created with ODK and stories of what ODK has helped you accomplish. User testimonials, case studies, and interviews also go here.
MarketplacePost job listings, RFPs, and other opportunities directly related to developing or advancing ODK's software and community. All soliciting must be in this category and follow these rules.