ODK 2.0 Tool Suite Release - v2.0.1

The second release of the ODK 2.0 Tool Suite is now available for download!

The ODK 2.0 Tool Suite is an alternative to the ODK 1.x Tool Suite rather than a replacement. ODK 2.0 is designed for complex workflows and information management. A simple migration path between 1.x and 2.0 does not yet exist because they are based on different standards.

Information about the 2.0 Tool Suite can be found at http://opendatakit-dev.cs.washington.edu/2_0_tools. Documentation about the release is available at http://opendatakit-dev.cs.washington.edu/2_0_tools/release/216.

This release includes:
• A new navigation screen in Tables
• New JavaScript APIs for local tables
• Various bug fixes

Version 2.0.1 rev 216 APKs are compatible with our new Sync Endpoint and Aggregate 1.4.15.

Documentation for getting started with the Sync Endpoint is available at:

Detailed documentation about the APIs can be found at: