Adding Optional Text Button Based on Choose One field data within Form

Hi Everyone
I am new to ODK Forum and I have designed sample Tree Enumeration Form using ODK Forum . With the help of Seniors members @Grzesiek2010,@rfletch0 I manage to test out my ODK form and send Finalized Form within Google Drive as a Server. As a result it displays the following results.

In the following field data you can see
Cell E and Cell I
data-ImatureTree data-TypesofTree
Sindure Uttis
Others Others
I have created this data field name using Choose One option and I have added list of Tree names inside options as a Bulk Edit.
My questions is Instead Choosing others button here as shown in below, I want to write down/Specify a different Tree name using Text button if it's not categorized within list of provided tree name. How can I do so using ODK Build ?
I tried to do so using cascading and follow-up questions but I was unable to write down new text within it .
Also, The Scientific name of data-TypesofTrees is as follows:
Nepali Treename ScientificName
** Uttis Alnus nepalensis
** Simal Bombax ceiba**
** Sissoo Dalbergia sissoo **
** Neem Azadirachata indica**
** etc**

Is it possible to add additional data field which displays Scientific names of Trees based on data-TypesofTree details ?

I believe my questions are clear and is practiable .Your any help/Suggestions is highly appreciated.
Thank you so much .

I would add a text question below and display it only if Others is selected in the previous question. you can do that using relevant column. You have a great sample in the link I provided.

Okay I will give a try for this and what about another question
Is it possible to add additional data field which displays Scientific names of Trees based on data-TypesofTree details ?
How can we do this ?

Please attach your xls form (if it's big ideally a small version of it that shows your problem) so that we can take a look at it and then it will be easier to answer your questions.

Hi @Nabin_Raut sorry I was unable to help, I haven't checked in on the forum in a while. Hope you were able to make progress.

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