Aggregate error in parsing form


Aggregate is giving error in parsing one of the forms:

Error: Problem persisting data or accessing data (org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: 
PreparedStatementCallback; uncategorized SQLException for SQL [SELECT `_URI`, `_CREATOR_URI_USER`, 
`_MARKED_AS_COMPLETE_DATE`, .......................

All the other forms are working fine, so database seems to be healthy. What should I check for?


Have you read through Unknown Error: "Error: Problem persisting data or accessing data - #4 by Vsamuel, [Aggregate] Error: Problem persisting data or accessing data and other related threads? Have you tried their suggestions and what did you experience then?


Thanks for the reference. During the checks mentioned in the threads, I discovered that my hard disk is full and tomcat is unable to write new logs. I created some space and it seems to fix the issue.


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