Approaches for linking form instance changes to individuals

Some of this may depend on when the particular widget in question 'loses focus' and initiates a refresh. For example, with a slider widget, pretty much every time you move the slider it can (should? and does in my case...) update the instance XML and generate a re-calc cycle, even though the user is still techncially 'focued' on that widget/question (you dont really know when the user has stopped moving the slider...they may pause and wait to see what happens). Whereas, primarily for efficiency, you dont really want to fire a re-calc every time you are typing in text, so you probably dont want to update the instance XML/re-calc till they've explicitly "navigated away" from your text question. More specifically, with a text entry widget, by virtue of how its implemented, yes you can delete the existing value entirely (non-blank to blank) and enter something else (blank to non-blank), and from the outside its all just a single operation. But potentially for other widgets - eg those that update continuously - it may be more problematic to determine when the user is 'done' (by which to determine a value change vs blank to non-blank vs non-blank to blank...). It feels like this behavior needs to be intimately (and explicitly?) tied to when precisely the actual instance XML gets updated; ie xforms-value-changed event.

One of the (seemingly?) unresolved questions is WHEN exactly is this audit change logged. It seems like this has to be scoped within WHEN exactly (and under what exact circumstances) does a xforms-value-changed event take place? I'm not trying to assert anything one way or the other, but it does feels like that is the case... I'd appreciate other's thoughts!

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