Thanks for inviting me to the TSC call and to all TSC members for being so thoughtful in your feedback.
On the call, we decided the next step would be for @aurdipas to get one last round of feedback from his team. I also mentioned I'd show a sample interaction possibly from a form @aurdipas provided.
I went ahead and built a quick example with a simple toy form. Please note that this shows the interaction in a one-question-per-screen context. There will need to be an addition made to the spec for clients that show multiple questions per screen by default. See conversation at Define audit log event behavior when there are multiple questions on one screen.
This is an extremely rough prototype so the dialogs are unstyled, the text is not polished, the question shouldn't change until the reason for change dialog is dismissed, etc. What it does show is the flow intended by the current spec. You can also see the resulting audit log with a description of how events relate to the video in this Google Sheet which also contains the blank form.