Automating ODK Briefcase "Push" functions

We are using ODK Aggregate 1.0 running on google appspot.
Briefcase 1.4.4

I am able to use the Briefcase UI and/or the program FormUploader to
successfully upload forms and media files to Aggregate.

But it seems that the Push functions of Briefcase have not been exposed via
the command line interface.
Also, the program FormUploader does not seem to have any command line
interface at all.

So my question is, how can I automate the uploading of new forms and media
to the aggregate server?

To be specific, it's not the form.xml file that is changing but rather the
media files.
I include a media csv file with each form. This csv file contains data for
a selection the user could make.
I need to update the media files periodically with a scheduled process.
Actual form.xml changes will be rare and I can do those manually.

Can anyone help with some guidance on how this can be done?


Peter Wright


You'd have to write code to do this using the Briefcase APIs.
If you do, it'd be great to have it in trunk (probably in


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On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 12:30 PM, Peter Wright wrote:

We are using ODK Aggregate 1.0 running on google appspot.
Briefcase 1.4.4

I am able to use the Briefcase UI and/or the program FormUploader to
successfully upload forms and media files to Aggregate.

But it seems that the Push functions of Briefcase have not been exposed via
the command line interface.
Also, the program FormUploader does not seem to have any command line
interface at all.

So my question is, how can I automate the uploading of new forms and media
to the aggregate server?

To be specific, it's not the form.xml file that is changing but rather the
media files.
I include a media csv file with each form. This csv file contains data for
a selection the user could make.
I need to update the media files periodically with a scheduled process.
Actual form.xml changes will be rare and I can do those manually.

Can anyone help with some guidance on how this can be done?


Peter Wright



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Can you please share a sample brifcase api POST request for FormUpload as per odk documentation:

I wish to use it in powershell to invoke-webrequest to upload form to Aggregate (2.0.2)

Briefcase CLI takes too long and is also finiky for Version update even when there is purely media update.

Need your feedback to get this underway.


In realation to an earlier constraint/Bug on Briefcase CLI.