Collect question type: rank items

The first beta for v1.16.0 is rolling out now and includes rank support! Please learn more about the beta program and join to try this out. You can download the Rank Test form from the default server. XLSForm support is coming soon.

Is the interface clear?

Some potential changes we have discussed are:

  • adding numbers to the left of the items to indicate which rank each has
  • changing the "Tap twice to start" interface to use a button like with the date or geo widgets
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  • adding numbers to the left of the items to indicate which rank each has

Yes this would be good

  • changing the "Tap twice to start" interface to use a button like with the date or geo widgets
    Agree something more like the rest of Collect interface

I know the beta focuses on the collect interface currently - so I presume the way the data looks on the server is not how we imagine i coming down - I would be in favour of your above comment of:
a column for each option with the number of the rank in that column.


Rank by dragging and dropping is now available in ODK Collect v1.16 and XLSForm online and offline.

To add a rank question to an XLSForm, use the same structure as select_one but use type rank instead. See a sample form.

An appearance with dropdowns will be forthcoming.


Tino, do you know where I could find an example of this, selecting priorities and then ranking them?

Hi @Oliver_Burdekin
please take a look at this sample Select_multiple choices, then rank the selected choices - #5 by LN

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Excellent thanks @Grzesiek2010 This is exactly what I was looking for. Need to up my forum fu :slight_smile: