Compare different types of questions


Is there is a way to compaire two types of questions, the first one is (Integer) and the second one is (calculate) using the (relevant)? somthing like: ${a1_price1}<${past_price_a1}

yes, you can use that as a relevant value to show/hide a particular question or you could use it in another calculate type question to get a value in your data. it should return true or false as is, or you could use an if() function to set it to what you want (for example "1" and "0", "less than" and "equal or greater than", etc.).

|   type    |     name      |                             calculation                             |
| calculate | price_compare | if( ${a1_price1}<${past_price_a1}, "less than", "equal or greater") |

I need to use (relevent) as a condition to show the next question, if ${a1_price1}<${past_price_a1}

You should be able to use that in the relevant column. Did you try it?

It worked, thanks for your replying