Deleted submission remains in View Sent Form

Deleted submission remains listed in View Sent Form in ODK Collect v1.9.1 running on Android 5.1.1 (see attached screenshot).

To reproduce the problem:
#1 fill out a blank form in ODK Collect;
#2 send this submission to ONA (possibly, to any other Aggregate server);
#3 delete the sent finalized submission via ODK Collect >> Delete saved Form;
#4 delete the corresponding blank form in ODK Collect >> Delete saved Form (without opening View Sent Form);
#5 open View Sent Form (the deleted submission will be there).
It won't help if you get (pull) the corresponding blank form again.

How can this sent and deleted submission be removed from the View Sent Form list in ODK Collect?

p.s.:the Sent and Deleted date&time stamp is seemingly partly localized (here Hungarian format).

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Hi Andras,
you are right about view sent form,

if you sent all your Finalized Forms and you don't have any Saved Forms

you can open admin settings >>> Reset Application.. >>> check saved forms (to reset).

be careful you will going to delete all Saved Forms and Finalized Forms and View Sent Forms

Best Regards

Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately, I can't reset ODK Collect yet because I manage quite a few forms with many finalized and draft submissions all the time >> hopefully, when the "field season" will end :slight_smile:

you are welcome

by the way about the date of sent and deleted for submission
if you checked the option delete after send it will appear like the screen shot because form sent and deleted executed within less than a minute.

or you are so fast.
Best Regards

Actually, your second assumption: I was fast (it was a test performed for a project).

My understanding of the View Sent Form feature is that it is for enumerators and/or data managers to confirm which filled out forms were sent even if they were deleted.

In the case of filled out forms that are not deleted, the data can be reviewed but not edited. In the case of filled out forms that have been deleted, the crossed out eye icon is displayed and the row is not clickable.

The feature can be hidden from the main menu from Admin Settings > Main Menu Settings if you don't need it.

P.S.: The partially localized date and time stamp bothers me as well. Unfortunately, it's not a super simple fix. I have filed the issue at

The problem is (at least for those managing a lot of forms with frequent and lots of data = there are always saved submissions on the collecting device) that after a while the sent form list grows to an indefinite length = the view sent form feature becomes useless because you can't reset it with saved submissions.

That makes sense. In that context, I'd probably either hide it or only look at the total count on the main screen as a quick sanity check. I might also instruct enumerators to check that screen if they have doubts about whether their latest submission was successful. They could sort by date modified, newest first to only look at the top. They could also use search to filter the list by certain keywords.

Can you describe what problem the View Sent Form feature could solve for you if it behaved differently and what changes would make it useful for you?

#1 The thing is that in former ODK Collect versions the View Sent Form did behave differently IF:
if you didn't delete the blank form definition after sending and deleting the corresponding submissions then looking at the main menu of ODK Collect you could still see the number of sent forms next to the View Sent Form entry (button) but on opening View Sent Form the deleted ones disappeared (>>??ODK Collect scanned the directory??)
#2 This feature would be useful if it worked as detailed above (you only delete a sent submission when it was successful anyway plus if you want to check a sent in data, you do it in ODK Aggregate)
OR if you can reset/delete sent and deleted submissions from this view without the necessity to upload all submissions from your device.
So I'd return the question: what's the point of this feature behaving in this way? Why to keep a partial memo of data sent in long ago?

Thanks very much for this quick and short tutorial.

I really looks great.
