Do you have a mobile app that can be downloaded?

Over 40% of the world now uses smartphones, can you afford not to have an app?
Why do you need a mobile app? Here's just a few reasons:

  To market yourself: coupons and other special offers can be sent   to your customers' phones
  Build brand-loyalty and encourage customers to become frequent guests
  Integrated social networking (Facebook & Twitter) tools to create a "viral buzz"
  Generate revenue. Earn money from ads, or sell your products or services
  Having an app of your own means you will be ahead of your competitors and it is something you can keep promoting for years to come

Apps are great advertisements. Consider how much it costs to buy a half page ad in a newspaper. Chances are an app costs alot less, plus it doesn't disappear forever once someone turns the page. Having an app means that every time someone scrolls through their phone they will see your brand, even if they don't open up the app.

Back in the 1990s, people wondered why they needed a website. Few people wonder about that now. The same thing is starting to happen with mobile apps and websites optimized for mobile phones.

Please reply back to this email for a free estimate of what it would cost to develop an app for your business.

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App. Development Specialist