Error dialog when downloading form with last-saved

If the form doesn't include other media files, you can go to Fill Blank Form and it should be discovered and properly processed at that time.

Unfortunately that won't work. I have a fix up at that I'm hoping will get reviewed in the next couple of days and then we'll publish Collect v1.25.2 to fix this.

The last-saved feature allows you to query the last filled record. It looks like what you want to do is to use a value from the last repeat instance as a default for the current repeat instance, is that right? This is also a very useful thing to do and doesn't require the last-saved feature. Here is a sample form that does this.

The expression in the default column is:
if(position(..) >= 1, /data/child_details[position() = position(current()/..) - 1]/child_school, '')

The position() = position(current()/..) - 1 part is what accesses the last instance of the repeat. It's in square brackets to filter the list of all repeat instances (it's an XPath predicate).

The if(position(..) >= 1, ..., ...) part is important because you don't want to try to access a repeat with index -1.

child_details should be replaced by the name of your repeat.

child_school should be replaced by the name of the question in the repeat that you are trying to use as a default.

I don't believe this can be simplified but I'm interested in hearing whether anyone else might have an alternative way of expressing this.