Error with calculation command

1. What is the issue? Please be detailed.
I created a form for my questionnaire using XLS. I included a calculation command to calculate participants' score as soon as the last question is answered. When I tried to validate the form on ODK (, it gave me the error message below:

Error: ODK Validate Errors:

Something broke the parser. See above for a hint.
Error evaluating field 'totalCapacityScore' (${totalCapacityScore}[1]): The problem was located in Calculate expression for ${totalCapacityScore}
XPath evaluation: type mismatch
This field is repeated:


You may need to use the indexed-repeat() function to specify which value you want.
Caused by: org.javarosa.xpath.XPathTypeMismatchException: The problem was located in Calculate expression for ${totalCapacityScore}
XPath evaluation: type mismatch
This field is repeated:


You may need to use the indexed-repeat() function to specify which value you want.
... 11 more

The following files failed validation:
${V1_26082023_Capacity} to Consent.xml

Result: Invalid

2. What steps can we take to reproduce this issue?
I am not sure what you mean here.

3. What have you tried to fix the issue?
I have tried to edit the field with the error and compared it with similar forms I had done

4. Upload any forms or screenshots you can share publicly below.

Hi @Afolayan
When you get a chance, please introduce yourself here. I'd also encourage you to add a real picture as your avatar because it helps build community!

You are trying to refer to a question that is in a repeat group. To do that you have to use the indexed-repeat() function to specify which value you want (from which group) as the error message says.
You can read about that function in our docs and also find many sample forms on this forum (just use the search icon and enter indexed-repeat).