I've created another topic at Collect: send submissions by SMS and Internet simultaneously for discussions on what it'd look like to have two queues. I've discussed this with a few members of the @TAB and I'm hoping they'll chime in with feedback on how they think it should work. I'll also put a call out on social media to get feedback from folks who are using the SMS feature.
I'd like to use this topic to make it easier for forms that have been sent via SMS to be resent via Internet because we have that working now and we could make it a little easier for folks. I've renamed the topic to reflect that.
@joeldean I like the gist of your second sketch, but I worry that we are adding yet another interaction. We currently have sorting in the Fill Blank Form list as shown below.
That interaction works pretty well, no? For the Send Finalized Form, we could have an icon (pun!) on the toolbar. Tapping that would have a sheet slide up from the bottom with checkboxes for Unsent, Sent via SMS, Sent via Internet. It's not perfect, but it's more discoverable than the status quo. I'm particularly curious what @Saad thinks...