Forms previews not working in Enketo

the following error message comes up when opening a form in enketo from ODK central, I did the following tests:

  1. open forms in Preview from the Overview tab.
  2. April form from Envios, whose forms are simple (no entities).
  3. Open form from submissions, whose forms have entities.
  4. I tried the previous ones from different browsers (edge, googlechrome, brave).
    In none of the cases the form opens.

The version of ODK Central is
client (v2023.5.0)
server (v2023.5.0)

Did form previews ever work? If so, what has changed since then?

Thank you very much for your response.
The last thing I worked on under form verification was testing the use of entities.
Before that we were using it to correct form submission data and everything was fine.
We were also testing the use of entities to connect data from two forms, which also worked fine.

Then we needed to adjust the submission data and then we noticed that enketo kept trying to load the form for about 2 to 3 minutes and then gave the error message.

Could this be corrected by upgrading ODK central to v2024.2.1 or directly to v2024.3?