Forms will not submit

What is the problem? Please be detailed.
our fieldworkers are currently piloting the research area and we have encountered a technical issue - one of the cellphones is not uploading survey forms - they show in "edit saved forms" but will not upload when the enumerator hits "save and exit".

Any idea why this might be happening and how to fix it?

What ODK tool and version are you using? And on what device and operating system version?
ODK Collect

Might be of server settings in ODK apps there are 3 server settings you need to check this happens when you didn't set up with right username or password or by mistaken they delete some text in url or username or password.
You should see what exact problem is popping up when field worker was sending the form.


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If you can provide a screen shot of the error screen when trying to send/upload that might help troubleshoot. Also, what server setup are you using to aggregate the data?

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It sounds like you want the forms to autosend, right @Andrew? Does the form send successfully when you try to explicitly send from Send Finalized Form? Do you have the autosend setting set to Wifi only, Cellular only or Wifi or cellular? Is this device of a different brand/model than others and what is that brand/model and Android version? I'm wondering whether there might be an issue with the way a connection is detected.

Thanks @LN and @Stalker for the suggestions. Field staff have confirmed that credentials are correct (by testing with Get Blank Forms).

More feedback from field staff showed that the forms are not showing in the "Send Finalized Form" list, so my guess is that this particular device has had the "Default to finalized" box unchecked in their settings - it would cause this behaviour. Waiting for confirmation from the field.