Getting and showing the value of a selected select_one item (return error)

What is the problem? Please be detailed.

Hi everyone! I will explain the problem the better as i can.
First, I get a set of data from a .csv file with the pulldata() function. When i have the data stored in differents variables, i pass them like a value/label choices options (select_one).
In this way, i set the following choices list like this:

I repeat, i construct that choices list with pulldata(), NOT with the search() function.
When i select one of the seven options showing before, in the next row of the survey i want to display (in the label column) the VALUE (not the text) of the selection i made. Obviusly, i use “${varname}” for showing the value. That varname is the name of the select_one row in the survey, called ${domicilio} in this case.
I also need that value from get more data from another .csv file…

When i test the application, i get the following error in the step what i want to show the value of ${domicilio}: Dependency cycle in output>s; recursion limit exceeded!!!

What ODK tool and version are you using? And on what device and operating system version?

ODK Collect v1.12.2 and Tablet Noblex T7A6 with Android 6.0

What steps can we take to reproduce the problem?

I leave the files. Take them and try it!

What you have you tried to fix the problem?

I don't know how to solve the problem :frowning:

Anything else we should know or have? If you have a test form or screenshots or logs, attach here.

The files (4), two survey (xls and xml), and two csv. In the first step of the survey, introduce the code 'A001' or 'A002' for obtain the seven dirs (data).

agentes.csv (81 Bytes)
fichasocial.xml (4.9 KB)
fichasocial.xlsx (12.5 KB)
zonas.csv (576 Bytes)

Thanks for all! :slight_smile:

EDIT : In the ODK Aggregate panel, the value of the selected item is displayed in this way... uhmm? :thinking:


Well, i changed the method to search() function, and it works fine. Sorry for the wasted time…

¿Can anyone close the thread? :confused: