Getting value of instance after form saving

Dear all,

I am customizing some part of ODK collect to fit with my project
requirement. Now, I want to get an instance data after form saving.
In the ODK collect, when we are saving the form. It will call
SaveToDiskTask class after the form validated. This java class will saving
data to instance database (instance.db) background. My problem are that I
want to get a record of data before saving to instance database.

Can any figure my problem?


You can use the instances content provider to retrieve the save state of an
instance, the submission status, and the filepath to the instance.

The instances are not saved in instance.db -- just this information about
their save and submit status. The instances are saved as XML files within
the instances folder. Use a SQLite database viewer to examine the contents
of the instances.db to understand what queries you can make against the
instances content provider.

NOTE: If you are working with encrypted submissions, you won't be able to
do this, as the submissions are encrypted when they are marked as finalized.

ยทยทยท On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 7:34 PM, Bunhann Thou wrote:

Dear all,

I am customizing some part of ODK collect to fit with my project
requirement. Now, I want to get an instance data after form saving.
In the ODK collect, when we are saving the form. It will call
SaveToDiskTask class after the form validated. This java class will saving
data to instance database (instance.db) background. My problem are that I
want to get a record of data before saving to instance database.

Can any figure my problem?


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Mitch Sundt
Software Engineer
University of Washington