Hacked ODK Briefcase

Hi Mitch,

You did mention that I need a hacked ODK Briefcase in order to download the
ODK forms. Can you please send I try it out.

ODK Briefcase v1.2.1 isn't able to download the submissions. It gives an

Error parsing form definition:
org.javarosa.xform.parse.XFormParseException: XML Syntax Error at Line: 1,
Column: 948!

Curiously I tried pulling other submission from another form, it also
failed with an error

SUBMISSION NOT RETRIEVED: Error fetching submission uri:
uuid:50b027d2-6a04-42dd-a2a3-27846f8cba73 details: Invalid use of
SingleClientConnManager: connection still allocated.

Make sure to release the connection before allocating another one.

for each submission of that form!