Help sheet google

Good Morning

i have an odk form that feeds a google spreadsheet, but data of type select one or multiple selection, is not going to spreadsheet. The data being sent is the field name.

Não tive resposta sobre minha solicitação, essa demora é normal?

Hi @avms
Welcome to the ODK forum. We're glad you're here. When you get a chance, please introduce yourself on this forum thread.

Could you attach your form (xls version) and tell us what version of the app you are using?

Bom dia

segue arquivo do formulario xls.
Avalia-o-Vendedor-DM-export.xlsx (47.7 KB)

A versão do ODK Collect é a v2021.3.4

bom dia

Tem previsao de uma resposta?

Select questions have choices that might have multiple translations (see that's why in xml forms but also in Google Sheets answers are represented by names which are unique.