I am trying to use choice_filter to filter the number of points on a map

Everything you know about choice filters on lists from the choices tab applies to entity lists! The same way that you can use the name of a column from the choices tab (without quotes or ${}, just the name) to define what property of the choice to filter on, you can use an entity property name. That's the household_id side in the expression that @mathieubossaert wrote out.

Did you try the expression? What didn't work as expected?

One thing I don't understand from your description is that it seems to me like there would always be a single point/household location per household_id, is that correct? In that case, do you really need the data collector to select it or could you use a calculate to look it up? You could also do things like add a assigned_to property that represents a data collector id, have a question that asks for data collector id, and filter based on that. You could do the same concept by region.

In @Super_Kay's scenario as I understand it, that extra part of the expression should not be necessary. It's useful in the tutorial because the first part of the filter is based on a property that changes. The server always uses the latest entity list when you open up a submission. So let's say you open up a submission that addressed problem1, that same problem would have a status of addressed in the server entity list and therefore it would be filtered out by the expression. Adding name=current()/. means that the selected entity stays selected no matter what.

Welcome to the ODK community, @Super_Kay. Consider introducing yourself when you have a moment so we can learn more about the work you do!

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