Importing Entity data versioning history via oData feed

Hey @upulpp ! A heartfelt welcome to the ODK community! Whenever you find a moment, feel free to introduce yourself here - we'd love to get to know you better and hear your story! :sparkles:

Now, about your question: I am not sure if OData Endpoints directly supports retrieving the version history of specific (or multiple) entity records, but don't worry - there's a way! ODK Central's REST API is your go-to for this. With the API, you can fetch the history (versions), compare differences, or even review the audit log of an entity record.

Here's how you can do it:

:one: To get the version history (all changes over time) for an entity record (by UUID):

[GET] {{base_url}}/v1/projects/{{project_id}}/datasets/{{entity_name}}/entities/{{entity_uuid}}/versions

:two: To compare differences between versions of an entity record:

[GET] {{base_url}}/v1/projects/{{project_id}}/datasets/{{entity_name}}/entities/{{entity_uuid}}/diffs

:three: To check the audit log (who did what and when) for an entity record:

[GET] {{base_url}}/v1/projects/{{project_id}}/datasets/{{entity_name}}/entities/{{entity_uuid}}/audits

All these endpoints return JSON responses to make your data retrieval straightforward and flexible.

Wishing you a fantastic day ahead and a very happy new year in advance! :tada::sparkles: