Improvement ideas for select from map

Piling on after using this in anger for a bit

  • Overlapping / clustering / selecting
    • I now have an issue where I want to show field collected shapes to users, I am applying a filter (location, elevation, which 'side' it's on, plus what category it is,) however there are still shapes that overlap, and a large shape over a small shape means the small shape cannot be selected to get its details. The old way of rendering shapes with vertices did allow you to select the underlying shape by tapping its vertice.
      • Edit: In case anyone else is faced with this - I'm spilling out a few fields from my submissions to create a CSV containing the items to show. As I am calculating area in the form, if include this field and sort the items by area (small to large), then the smallest are drawn on top, so for almost all cases, each shape is selectable and no longer obscured by a larger one.
    • I already had an issue where two points with very similar geometry would overlap and one would prevent the other from being selected. If they're very close you cannot even tell there is one there that requires attention
      • Likewise, in this case I would sort by point styling to put incomplete ones on top
  • Styling - I use the styling of points to indicate a status/category to the users, changing the character and colour after completion. Similar styling for lines and shapes would be super - colour of line or fill / label of some kind
  • Images - Bit of a dream, but: being able to have a filename in the choice list (really, it'd be to use image in the choice list) and when selecting an item that image is rendered when you bring up the item tray with the other fields (name, label etc). This would be so helpful. Currently the only option is to select a feature, then show it as a dynamic image :wink: in a note - not as quick as tapping on a series of features on a map to find the one you want.
  • Could geometry in WKT be parsed as is in a CSV or will ODK format only ever be accepted?
  • I suppose it's down to the mapping SDK but +/- buttons would be nice, as when using gloves 'pinch to zoom' is difficult (can double tap with a stylus to zoom in steps, and hit the extents button to zoom out)