Introduce yourself here!

Where you are typically based : France

How you got involved with the ODK community (ODK origin stories!) : using odk collect

What kinds of ODK projects you have been involved in : using odk collect for multilanguage formular at work

Your blog/Twitter/GitHub/other way for the community to follow you : none

Some of your favorite things to do outside of data collection : travelling arround the world


Hi, I'm Macharia from Kenya dealing with data management supporting health across different counties. I'm new in programming and am using ODK for the first time in developing tool for data collection in a clinical project.
Am looking forward to getting your assistance from the gurus of this platform.
Thank you very much for the ODK makes it easy with data collection.


Hello, introduce my name Azis Nurrochma from Indonesia, I just found ODK on the internet in September 2018 and was very interested. I work in the electricity sector and really need an application like ODK, my English is still bad and I still need google translate as a helper. thank you and nice to meet you


Hello everyone!

My name is Sumit from India, Mumbai. I'm an Android developer with over 1 years of experience. I have worked on ODK Collect for almost six months before I was working on the website and hybrid application developement.



Most welcome Sumit. We look forward
Sharing our experiences in this platform.


1 Like

A post was split to a new topic: Problem with sending filled and finalized forms

Hi Everyone,

This is a bit long overdue, but I thought it be appropriate to formally introduce myself.
My name is Turtle. Space Turtle.
I've been using ODK for a few years now and gathered most of my skills developing Forms for data collection.
I've worked with two research-based non-profit/non-governmental organizations that have primarily used the suite of tools for data collection.
I'm still very much continuing to learn the tools and will definitely continue to post regularly - and of course assist anyone where I can.

Glad to be part of the team.




you are welcome to this wonderful community, we are always ready to support you.


2 posts were split to a new topic: LISP support?

Hi community!

My name is Kate and i've been working with a variety of organizations in East Timor for the past 5 years to implement mobile data collection systems. I am by no means an expert coder, but I like to pick up things here and there as I go. Currently I am working on 2 major programs in Timor, related to disaster risk reduction and agriculture.

I am typically based in Timor, but will see where the future takes me! Born in raised in the USA, but have been living overseas for awhile now.

Happy to be involved in the forum and thankful for all the support that I have gotten and will get in the future here!


Welcome, Kate! In my experience, there are no expert coders, only people who are willing to try and people who are not. We're glad to have you here, and I'm sure you'll be helping others on here in no time at all.


Hi Kate!

How's Timor-Leste treating you? Happy to see you here. I'm an ODK oldie and I'll tell you, the community is fun and decent. Welcome! :slight_smile:



Hey Ray! Where are you these days?


Hola everyone, I'm Carlos from #Nicaragua but I kind of move around Central America. I got into ODK a few years by now because my work relates to maps and field data collection for disaster risk management and food security analysis... also for tourism, in fact the first time I've ever use ODK was for a tourism routes study.

@carlosgis is my Twitter account is dedicated to GIS, Climate Change, Tourism and some other things I like such as basketball, baseball and food!

Fun fact, I spent about two years working for an NGO in data collection tool using Personal Data Assistant (PDA), two years! With ODK this is reduced to days.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

Best regards

Carlos Rivas

  • Where you are typically based
  • How you got involved with the ODK community (ODK origin stories!)
  • What kinds of ODK projects you have been involved in
  • Your blog/Twitter/GitHub/other way for the community to follow you
  • Some of your favorite things to do outside of data collection!
  • [insert your own fun fact here]

Am also from Botswana, am based in GC


Hello everyone.

Getting started with ODK from Paraguay.


mba'e chapaa @RLesme . Para que pio estas usando OKD?


A post was split to a new topic: Nurses on duty form

Hello! I’m Debra. I am a writer and editor focusing on a transition into tech. I was looking for ways to contribute to an open-source project and heard this was a great place to start. I’m excited to have been pointed in the direction of ODK and so far have been really impressed with its impact in far reaches of the world. I can’t wait to get to work!

About me: I’m a first-generation Jewish American (U.S.) with parents from Cuba :cuba: and Argentina :argentina:. I am interested in the intersection of politics and religion and (most importantly) fostering an appreciation for the beautiful mosaic that makes up this place we call earth :earth_africa:. I live in California in the SF Bay Area with my husband and two daughters. I want to create a sustainable homestead where I can build cool things with welders and turbines and live off the land. :seedling:


Hello everyone!

I'm a forestry engineer in Rouen (France) and I'm working on a form to collect data on forest' soil properties. I'm not used to this kind of tools but ODK would really help the forest managers to collect data easier directly on their smartphone.
