Introduce yourself here!

Hi all, my name is Simon Norfolk and we are using ODK to assist community groups and families in Mozambique and Zambia to mp and register their land rights.


Hi for everybody!
My name´s Ricardo Scott and i get involved with odk, working in an University, working with soy project. Today im leaving in Brazil, and work with Land regularization projects and mapping of springs at Belo Horizonte city.
Im geographer and im a specialist in Geographic information System.

Im sorry for the basic english, but im getting improve.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Mozambique :mozambique:

Hello Dearest friends,

I am Ahmed Hassan, I work in NGO in Kurdistan, I have good experience about collecting data, but I see ODK is best .
I am from Syria, but right now I live in Kurdistan,My hobbies are writing short stories, poetry, and programming.


Hi all. I am a software developer and teacher. I work from my home office in Lafayette, California, an East Bay suburb of San Francisco.

@LN and I met some years back at an educators conference at Google Headquarters. Early this year she contacted me on behalf of Nafundi to see if I would work with them to improve parts of ODK. The idea of working on a product that helps so many people really appealed to me. I worked a bit on Collect, and now I work on ODK JavaRosa “archeology” and modernization.

I am on Twitter as dcbriccetti, and I have a web site for my consulting and teaching programming to kids.

I recently joined a flying club with four small planes, and I’ve been doing a bit of flying around California. I volunteer in a local middle school music department, helping mostly with technology, but I also sometimes bring my French horn and play with the kids. (The program is very welcoming to adult musicians in the community.)


Hello my name is Freedy. Happy to join this community!!


I live in Cameroon. I want to use ODK to collect data for medical analysis

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Hello, my name is Mariano and I'm from Spain. I've recently started with ODK. Initially, I`ve started using it in relation with NGOs activities (Spanish Red Cross) but now I'm also trying to apply it in my professional field: environment, climatology and geographic information systems. I hope to learn a lot from you all and I'll try to help in whatever I can.


Hey everyone,
I'm a data curator based in Nairobi, Kenya. I'm working on my first odk tool that I will use to collect data over a period of one year on same cases/plants. The online materials and odk community has helped a lot in solving many issues. ODK has being simplified thanks to the developers I'm using excel to design the tool.
Once this project is a success, I will expand to many plants and programs.



Hello ODK community,

My name is Martin, I work as the Agro Dpt Manager for the Indochina Development Partners (IDP) company, located in the South of Lao PDR.
IDP core business is rice milling, as well as rice seed production and rice sales/export, but since all our paddy come from small local farmers, we work closely with them to improve their production, organization, quality control, etc .
Last year we started the process of getting organic (EU and NOP) certification for both farmers groups and for one of our Rice Mills...and this is how I met your mother...sorry ODK. Because we have to do individual inspections with our members, in the fields, so ODK seemed a good solution to avoid the thousands of paper forms to analyse.
I am not an IT expert, or database, or programming or anything like this, so this is sometimes tricky to solve our problems, but thanks to ODK team and to this community, I don't feel alone.


Martin Aubanton


Hi everyone!

I'm Raquel and I work at the Spanish Red Cross (SpRC) - Disaster Management Unit.

We use the ODK tools since 2015 to collect data in emergency operations to provide a faster response. Furthermore, we have created some material for trainings, have supported some SpRC delegations in different countries with the use of ODK and facilitated some trainings. Now we are focused on how to analyze and visualize better the data we collect.

We have been involved for some time now with the University of Washington, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and American Red Cross, in the development of a Relief tool using ODK 2.0. The team at UW is making a great job!

Hope we can share soon some short video about Information Management (using Open Source tools such as ODK) at the European Migration Crisis in Greece, some case studies and some manuals. Willing to collaborate more with the community, hope to find more time for that!


My name is Collins, from Kenya. I work at the USAID Project in Western Kenya as MIS Coordinator. I started using ODK back in the year 2012 and I have grown to be a champion of ODK in my career of both research and M&E. Most recently while working at ILRI, my team leader Carlos Quiros developed ODKDataTools, see that has revolutionized data management in ODK. These tools generate MySQL schema from XLSForm then pulls ODK data submissions from the aggregate in JSON format and then process the JSON files into relational MySQL databases. The tools further generate dictionary information with multiple languages for surveys that were done in more than one language.
I find passion in developing complicated Questionnaires in ODK, customizing ODK server, processing data submissions into relational databases and running quick analysis.


Hai ODK Forum

I am Sanjoy and introduced to ODK recently because of a huge task to capture point coordinates of infrastructures delivering health services for urban health program
I need the forum expertise to solve a problem of error 404 (sending data to ODK aggregate VM) through mobile devices

thanks and regards


Hello, I'm Stefano from Italy. I have a Phd in Byzantine Archaeology and I currently work for the Italian Ministry of Culture.

Last year I made a few experiments with ODK after finding it on the Play Store for collecting inventory data about archaeological items in the storage buildings, including box IDs, content, location. On a simpler level, other potential uses for ODK in my daily work are related to recording location/photographs of archaeological sites.

I think ODK is a great tool for archaeologists and I know a few colleagues who use it for their projects.


Hello Guys

I am Evans From Tanzania :tanzania:

I have been using ODK for a while now, From when i was employed that was around 2012 we used the tool for capturing Healthy facility core information and locations in Tanzania plus the Medicine distributions as well. it was a smooth project considering ODK was around back then

Right now i am a CEO of EvMak Tanzania Hit me up if you need any assistance from me :grin:


Hey community

My name is Ray Besiga. I am digital product designer based in Kampala, Uganda. My ODK origin story starts in 2012 when I worked with Integrity Research on a National Household Survey for the World Bank in newly independent South Sudan. So far, I have worked on projects with Integrity Research in South Sudan, EGRA/EGMA child literacy in Northern Uganda with Mango Tree Uganda, and in health with University Research Company in Northern Uganda. You can follow me on Twitter, Github and Instagram at @raybesiga. Outside of data collection, I love to do Product Design. I'm obsessed with motorcycles and old cars.


Hie good people
I am from an IT background currently working for a non profit making research organisation in Zimbabwe.I realized the need for a software like ODK for computerizing research work from the fields right to the offices.

I have been failing to successfully install it on a local server for quite some but i have keen interest in using it.


Hi my name is Mahamadi ROUAMBA, CEO at TICANALYSE based in Burkina Faso. We are a digital transformation consulting office work with several costumers in west african, most of whom are development organizations. We use ODK core in many of our application.


Hi Everyone, I am Mafayo Phiri, i am new to ODK but plan to use it frequently in data collection for research work. I am based in Malawi


Karibu sana Lisa. I do the scripting in ODK build and we can learn this together.