Is it possible to run enketo plugin in ec2 instance with just public ipv4 DNS

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I am trying to run odk central in EC2 instance. So far i have managed to get the app running via
below config:

DOMAIN=--ec2 Public IPv4 DNS--


With above config i am able to load the website, but when i try to connect to enketo for testing it gives below error:

Forbidden. This server is not linked with Enketo.

How to fix this issue? Is there any alternative to buying a domain name?

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You need a fully qualified domain name. An IP will not be sufficient.

If you are using the public DNS domain name that AWS provides, that also won't work because it's on Let's Encrypt's blacklist for high-risk domain names.

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thanks for the response. The DNS i am referring to is not an IP, it is the public dns url that ec2 provides. Something like this:

The website loads over internet on the above url. So shouldn't this work same as a registered domain name?

This is resolved, It was indeed DNS issue. Mapping a registered DNS name fixed the issue.

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