Issue of Time data type

Dear all,

I have an issue as below:

In excel form, I have a question with datatype = Time, name =
Entranced_On, label = Entranced On.
In ODK collect 1.4.3, I set Entranced_On = 15:30,
When checking data on ODK Aggregate 1.4.7, value of Entraced_ON is
1970/01/01 16*:30*:00.

After checking many times, I can conclude that it goes right with data type
is Datetime but incorrect with Time data type.

Someone please help me on how to fix this issue.

Thanks & best regards,

Thu Anh Le

Hi there,

ODK Collect writes the time with device time zone in the XML it saves.
For example, if you are in Seattle, time will be
"2016-02-15T01:10:40.219-08". If you are in Cape Town, time will be

Once the data gets to Aggregate, it is converted to UTC:
"2016-02-15T09:10:40.219Z". Anything after that (web UI, download to
Briefcase, export to CSV) is done in UTC.

So the time is correct, it's just in UTC.


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On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 11:47 AM, Thu Le Anh wrote:

Dear all,

I have an issue as below:

In excel form, I have a question with datatype = Time, name = Entranced_On,
label = Entranced On.
In ODK collect 1.4.3, I set Entranced_On = 15:30,
When checking data on ODK Aggregate 1.4.7, value of Entraced_ON is
1970/01/01 16:30:00.

After checking many times, I can conclude that it goes right with data type
is Datetime but incorrect with Time data type.

Someone please help me on how to fix this issue.

Thanks & best regards,

Thu Anh Le



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