Keeping all the latitude and longitude decimal places in raw csv after running odkmeta preclean

Hi @madslevine, and welcome to the ODK forum! When you have a chance, I'd encourage you to introduce yourself here. Doing so helps build community!

I think the issue here has to do with the type or precision of these variables. My guess is that Stata is importing them as float, but you want them to be double. (For more about the different data types, type help data types in Stata.)

You can indicate to Stata what type to use when importing data (float or double). I believe that by default it is float, but you can change that setting by typing set type double in Stata. Run that command first, then run the odkmeta do-file. (Or add that command near the top of the do-file.) For more information about set type, see the help file on generate.

Hope this helps!

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