Limesurvey to odk

attached is a php script that export a survey definition prepared in
limesurvey (version 1.9) to an xforms definition. it's not perfect,
but it mostly works. thanks to alfred and simon at cell-life and
eduoard at unhrc for making this available.

is there any interest in building something that more formally
connects the two systems?

pub2mobile.php (7.54 KB)

Hi Yaw Anokwa,
and good afternoon, I found very useful the file, and I wondered if it was possible to do the opposite, from Xfroms to Limesurvey.

Thank you so much :slight_smile:

Possible? Yes. But you'd have to build a converter yourself.

ยทยทยท On Wednesday, January 21, 2015, wrote:

Hi Yaw Anokwa,
and good afternoon, I found very useful the file, and I wondered if it was
possible to do the opposite, from Xfroms to Limesurvey.

Thank you so much :slight_smile:

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