Good morning Aurelio,
Thanks for your question.
I am not the person who will tell you "I am the one you need". I do not have the technical/dev skills or large field campaign background @Odil and @chrissyhroberts have. So from my point of view we are not challengers and will probably not focus on same aspects in the TAB. So maybe we should be considered as partner with different skills and particularities who want to help the team.
I have now some experience about spreading ODK and tools I make use of, with the courses we gave during 3 years to approx 40 French geomaticians (National parks, botanic conservatories, nature conservancy NGO, public bodies in charge of nature managment) about how to create a complex form from start and how to get data into their own information system for mapping and data analysis. During those five trainings we integrated trainees remarks and made some evolution to adapt their needs.
Since I start to be a full time geomatican in the NGO that employes me I started to share quite precisely my work. For my own usage at the beginning but I started to get good returns and thanks from my professional community, as it was a good help for newcomers on tools we use. In 2007 I shared our recent use of PotgreSQL and PostGIS when MS Access and Mapinfo were still the norm. At the end of the forum, all participant were asked about their needs in term of IT tools. PostgreSQL/PostGIS got the majority and entered into the catalog a year later.
I like to explain and show how to use tool, in order to ask computers do the work they can do, and free some time to colleagues for field inventory or data analysis.
A lot of "geomagicians" working in those thematics are like me in charge of the whole process, from database and ODK servers installations, form definition, to data delivery to the team as soon as colleagues, back to the office, have sent their finalized forms.
I think this transverse / "only one geomatician" point of view is important in discussion as it concern a lot of structures, maybe particularly in Nature conservation and "agroecology" are growing thematics. Our french NGO network, employs 1000 people approx, "only" 30 are in charge of the "IT". As a TAB member I would like to participate to discussions with the point of view of a geomatician, who have generals skills in informatics and specialized ones in data management and ecology, making use of ODK tools, in a medium scale NGO context.
Nature conservation and "agroecology" are rising thematics. I am sure ODK will be more and more used and could become, in favor of coming features and roadmap discussions, a major entrance for field data in databases.
As for other thematics, complete real examples, from designing a simple form to data mining, could really increase ODK spread. I believe in this tool, I want it to be more widely used in my thematics, I will focus on that "form sharing" and documentation if it is a direction followed by the TAB.
I really hope that public or private bodies will soon prefer to invest in a generic tool, open source, rather than build a new tool from scratch, build a little community, maintain it. Sometimes they do not have the choice because what they want can't be achieved with existing tool, sometime they could but they don't.
This could by achieve by showing how ODK met the needs. I started here and will continue soon.
And finally If you really want to compare us, I think you miss a French accent from a northern French living in South of France