Max-pixels Parameter Requires new form or new version?

I have added a max-pixels parameter to an existing form and created a new version number in the settings tab, but when I try to add the new version to Aggregate I get a 409 conflict error. (Form Already Exists for this Namespace/Id attribute org.opendatakit.aggregate.exception.ODKFormAlreadyExistsException)

I am using Aggregate v.2.0.3

I am wondering if this is normal behavior. Does a change to a Parameter value require a new form or should I be able to make this change and just update the version number?

Yeah it might cause problems like that. If it's a new from and you don't have submissions for it you can just delete it and upload again.

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It shouldn't lead to a conflict. How long ago did you convert your original XLSForm? If it was before February, you might have been using an old version of the form conversion software. You can try converting with and see whether that uploads without conflict.

Hi Both.

I would prefer not to create a new form as I have quite a lot of submissions. The change to the form is in response to some incomplete forms, which I think are the result of trying to submit large images over a poor connection. The same error as described in this post.

The original form was created using version 2 of the form converter. I used the Sublime text editor tool to create a Diff file looking at the old XML and the new XML. The changes are the version number:

New XML: data id="pfa_technical_survey_v2" version="2020082501"
Old XML: data id="pfa_technical_survey_v2" version="2020080301"

And the max pixels parameter (there are five images, so this change is repeated five time):

New XML: bind nodeset="/data/soil_img" orx:max-pixels="2000" type="binary"/
Old XML: bind nodeset="/data/soil_img" type="binary"/

I'm attaching the Diff file saved as txt as I am not able to upload it saved as Diff.

pfa_technical_survey_v2_diff.txt (2.9 KB)

I agree but I tried it on my own and was able to reproduce the same error (using older version of aggregate but still).

Do you think I should update the version of Aggregate I am using, or do you think the I will likely need to make a new form anyway, so best to just make a new form now?

Any chance the error could be fixed?

Unfortunately there won't be any difference in this between Aggregate versions.

I know this doesn't help with your immediate need but in the future I encourage you to look into Central which replaces Aggregate and addresses many of its issues. In particular, changes to form definitions are more completely supported.

Thanks for the advice. We were already setting up an Central sever, so this is another plus. The migration is going to be quite painful as we are heavily embeded with Aggregate with lots of SQL Triggers on the database, but it is inevitable. Onwards and upwards!

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Thanks for the positive energy! :tada:

Don't hesitate to start new threads if you want to talk through some of the ways you're planning to address equivalent needs with Central. The biggest philosophical difference between the two tools is that while Aggregate translates each form to a database table schema and splits submissions into tables, Central stores raw submissions. Central's approach makes things like form updates a lot easier to do and makes receiving submissions faster and more robust. However, it does mean you can't hook directly into the database for analysis. The OData API provides a standards-based way to access the data.