Messaging from Central to Collect

Hi to all,

I am sending an email to my colleagues, asking them to switch to a new Form "as soon as possible". I do not know when they will read this email or when they'll be attentive to.

I was thinking about the capability to prompt a message in Collect for specific app users from the Central website :slight_smile:
I also don't know when Collect will connect to Central, but when it will I am sure the message will be read (not if they will be attentive to it :wink: )

Hi @mathieubossaert ,

The app user creation is now by default in Central through managed QR Code.
"Collect will exactly match the Forms available to UserX including automatically applying updates. Users will not need to manually Get Blank Forms. Additionally, finalized Forms will be sent automatically as soon as a connection is found. For the old behavior, switch to a Legacy QR Code.".

This is what has been implemented to tackle the issue described from you.

Hi @aurdipas ,

Thank you for your answer. We already use it (and we also use Legacy QRcode for people who don't need all the forms available in the project).
But in the case I mentioned, the problem is not to switch between versions but from a form to another one.

What exactly means switch to a new Form?
Close an Old form and now start data collection with a new form?

Match server exactly does this: the new Form uploaded will be automatically transferred to the tablet. That's why Users will not need to manually Get Blank Forms.
The new Form will show up into the ODK Collect and if you close the Old one from Central, the users can not submit anymore with the old form.
In addition, forms not on the server will be deleted from Collect.

The situation is more complex but you make me realize the messaging would not help to solve it !
We are in a transition between Aggregate and Central, with Old forms on Aggregate, new On Central... So Even if Central could send a message to collect, it would not address Aggregate connected phones