No Data showing in saved form but showing in odk folder intance folder while i unchek every file care fully from finalize i want to move files manually

i colect data very hardly but when i reach office then there was no form in edit saved form i was taged 350 files but there was nothing . when i check sd card odk folder ther were showing 350 files in the folder named instance soo what i can do to recover my work plz help

This may be an issue with there being such a large number of completed
forms on the device that it is not able to generate the list of forms
within the time allotted by the Android operating system..

The best solution is to use a program like OI File Manager to zip up the
/sdcard/odk directory. Then send/copy it to your PC, and unzip it into a
directory there. The zipping-up is useful because the shared USB driver
does not reliably show all files that are on the SDcard and therefore
copying the files individually may or may not detect and copy all of them.
But, with a zip file, if you can see it, it will copy it all.

On your PC, download ODK Briefcase then use it to Pull the files from the
unzipped directory on your PC. This will pull all of the data into your
local ODK Briefcase. You can then Push the files up to ODK Aggregate or
export the data to CSV.

Once the data is safely stored somewhere, you should delete the files from
your device. If you don't, the next time you zip up and repeat this
process, you might generate duplicate copies of all of these submissions.

ยทยทยท On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 2:14 AM, wrote:

i colect data very hardly but when i reach office then there was no form
in edit saved form i was taged 350 files but there was nothing . when i
check sd card odk folder ther were showing 350 files in the folder named
instance soo what i can do to recover my work plz help



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Mitch Sundt
Software Engineer
University of Washington