ODK 1 TSC Call - 2018-03-07

ODK 1 TSC calls bring together the Technical Steering Committee to discuss roadmaps, working groups, and other issues of technical governance. Everyone is welcome to come to these calls, but only TSC members may talk.

The calls are held every two weeks at https://uberconference.com/opendatakit from 16-17 UTC. We put the agenda, audio, and transcript of every call at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KdUeiryViiPyiG8ajDC_snxSzDBBb-kwNauHvD_chfA

Our next call will be Wed, March 7, from 16-17 UTC (see in your time zone).

If there are topics you would like to add to the TSC's agenda, please comment below. :point_down:

The agenda (pending any new topics proposed in this thread) is here @TAB

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