Also, let me say I'm sorry you got frustrated with the experience of updating to v2.0! We work really hard to make it as smooth as possible. Aggregate is a complex piece of software and there are many things we need to check and verify and just so much time and resources to do it.
In this case, it was an installer issue, and the other issue with the XSRF log messages you've reported at Error deploying ODKAggregate,war file in apache tomcat - #5 by gt3o0o is easily fixed by cleaning your browser's cache. As you can see, neither of those issues were directly related to Aggregate's code, but to something else (the installer, the browser), and we often can't test those thoroughly as we'd want because it requires different setups that we can't possibly emulate.
We need help to make sure these things don't happen and that's why we run the beta pre-releases for some time before doing an official release. v2.0 beta run for almost one month during January. It would be great to have your help, @gt3o0o, @Vijayalakshmi, and all the other user's help during the next beta testings to prevent releases with problems such as the ones we're talking about now.