ODK Build direct submission stops on April 20th

If you have been enjoying ODK Build's direct publishing of form definitions
into ODK Aggregate, this will no longer work on April 20th (
https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuthForWebApps ).

After April 20th, you will need to download the form XML to your computer.

And then either:

(1) use the FormUploader tool (
https://opendatakit.org/downloads/download-info/odk-formuploader/ ) to
upload the form into ODK Aggregate,


(2) log into your website and browse to the "Form Management" tab, and
choose "Add New Form" and use that webpage to upload your form definition
to ODK Aggregate.

ยทยทยท -- Mitch Sundt Software Engineer University of Washington mitchellsundt@gmail.com