ODK Collect v1.22 Beta

Also I would strongly favour the file having the meta-instance ID or some other unique identifier attached to it.
Certainly this doesn't happen if you copy directly off device - havent tried on aggregate yet.

If you have lots of forms submitted then a big pile of"audit.csv" files will get challenging to line up and I think a clear link of each audit file to a given instance would be very beneficial/sensible.

Yes, they are represented in epoch time so that duration can be easily calculated and to reduce ambiguity and format issues as much as possible. More in the documentation.

The recommended approach to read and process client audit logs is by first exporting from Briefcase. On export, Briefcase will do the following with audit logs:

  • automatically rename all files to audit-<instanceID> (e.g. audit-uuid_82b0b7f4_c9bd_424d_9888_84842ff3453f.csv) and provide them in the media folder
  • generate a file with filename <formID> - audit.csv which will contain all of the audit logs in one file with the first column representing instanceID

Does that work for you?

(Note, I just noticed that the new old-value and new-value column headers are not included in the Briefcase summary file header though the values are represented in the file. I have filed an issue at https://github.com/opendatakit/briefcase/issues/740)

Great that all sounds good

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