Thank you very much for reporting this issue and providing details and screenshots @Vanubhav and @davidkarl! Sometimes user interface behavior is very device or Android version specific so it can be hard to catch. Your detailed reports are what allow us to fix any problems!
As @Grzesiek2010 has mentioned, no one on the developer team is able to reproduce this problem yet which makes verifying fixes very difficult. If you can, please do download the file that @Grzesiek2010 shared above and transfer it onto your phone. You should then be able to tap it to install it.
Thank you @Grzesiek2010 @mmarciniak90 and @Shobhit_Agarwal for working hard on this fix. Let's wait about 12 hours for feedback and then release 1.8.1.
@Vanubhav and @davidkarl please consider joining the beta program with some of your test (non-field) devices so that you can report these kinds of problems before the official update is released. Beta testers are a very important part of the ODK community!