[ODK Community] How to check if something is selected inside multiple select

In the relevant column for "actions", you can either try testing for
individual values


selected(${symptoms}, 'a') or selected(${symptoms}, 'b')
or selected(${symptoms}, 'c') or selected(${symptoms}, 'd')
or selected(${symptoms}, 'e') or selected(${symptoms}, 'f')


or, you could test for string length (no answer = zero length variable)

string-length(${symptoms}) = 0


··· On Thursday, December 6, 2012, wrote:

Hello Everyone

I am trying to create a form using Excel for ODK. I am facing a problem
where I have to show a question only if there is nothing selected in
another multiple select that contains some values. I am very new to ODK and
have no idea what I need to do. Can anyone please tell me what condition I
apply in relevant column. See the attached excel file, in it I have to show
the last question(highlighted green) only if the conditions are met. One of
these conditions is that if nothing is selected inside a multiple select
called symptoms. Please help me out. I will be very thankful.

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