This is very interesting to me. I've been battling with a form that can record point, geotrace or geoshape (depending on the user choice). All three geometry types can be present in the output csv (provided it is a flat one table output). If I understand correctly this example form will covert the coordinates to geojson format. Please let me know if this is the case.
The Python script I'm writing will look for any geometry in an output .csv, process it to geojson and allow the result to be imported into QGIS. If all three geometries are present a separate geojson will be created for each geometry type (point, line, polygon).
The perceived benefit is that attributes will be present in the output files. GeoJSON is much easier to export to shp or other file type and still maintain the attributes.
Does the kml output mentioned above maintain attributes from the ODK file and would the code I'm writing be of use?