Some improvements for 2022 field season :
- Upgrade to TAXREF v15 (national reference for French species taxonomy)
- Add a question about accuracy if the geopoint is placed on a map
- Simple creation of station to add data later
- Add the name of the person who made the determination
- Ability to mask user preferences (using last_saved or coalesce) :
If masking is set → last_saved else we use default values - Adding 3 different geopoint (3 different GPS accuracy Threshold)
- Addition of the entry of breeding pairs and chicks for birds
- Addition of the synthesis of the species observed on a site :
using a calculation :join('<br/>','${repeat_question})
- Addition of the organization (mail domain) for future filtering of studies and protocols relevant for user's organization.
- Studies and protocols are now in the choices sheet.
Here is the form with light taxonomic list (1000 first lines approx) : (89,0 Ko)
And SQL views to generate species list (csv media files) (3,3 Ko)