Optionsfile documentation for ODK Aggregate Installer

Hi John! We are in the middle of some changes to Aggregate that should make all this easier. We need help with that effort and if you'd like to chip, please read ODK Aggregate future plans and comment there.

As to the problem at hand, what I've done in the past to generate unattended installs for MySQL and Tomcat is this..

command: "{{ all_tmp_dir }}/{{ aggregate_installer }} 
--mode unattended 
--parent_installdir {{ all_tmp_dir }} 
--platform mysql 
--tomcat_http_port 80 
--tomcat_https_port 443 
--raw_hostname {{ all_fqdn }} 
--database_port 3306 
--database_hostname {{ all_mysql_host }} 
--jdbc_username {{ all_mysql_user }} 
--jdbc_password {{ all_mysql_pass }} 
--jdbc_database {{ all_mysql_db }} 
--instance_display_name {{ all_fqdn }} 
--username {{ all_aggregate_user }} 
--app_id '' 
--master_slave_app_id '' 
--jdbc_sqlserver_url '' 
--jdbc_gae_mysql_instance_name '' 
--jdbc_gae_mysql_password ''"

This is from an Ansible setup that I use to spin up Aggregate VMs for testing. You can find it at https://github.com/nafundi/odk-aggregate-box/blob/master/provisioning/roles/install-aggregate/tasks/main.yml. That whole project might give you other useful hints.

Another thing to be aware of is there is a bug with Aggregate's JDBC properties. database_hostname and database_port aren't set in jdbc.properties and I've filed that https://github.com/opendatakit/aggregate/issues/82.

Oh and welcome to ODK! When you get a chance, please introduce yourself here. I'd also encourage you to add a real picture as your avatar because it helps build community!