Postgres Error causing Internal Server Error 500

We don't see this issue on ODK Cloud, so there is some combination of your infrastructure and usage that is triggering this issue.

The Central team is investigating the possibility of a database leak and we'll update this topic once we learn more. We are also considering releasing a patch to increase the database pool size as a short-term workaround while we try to get to the root cause. More on that later.

In the meanwhile, here are a few things to do to reduce the load on the server:

You can also automate restarting the Central service when you get 500s. This is not great long-term fix, but the restart happens very quickly, so it's something to consider if you don't want to babysit the server.

Assuming you are using Ubuntu, here are the instructions:

Install monit
apt-get install monit;
Add /etc/monit/conf.d/central.conf
check program central-healthcheck with path /usr/local/bin/
  if status > 0 for 2 cycles then exec "/bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/docker restart central_service_1'"
Add /usr/local/bin/

CENTRAL_HTTP_CODE=$(curl --silent --insecure --include --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary "{\"email\": \"email\",\"password\": \"password\"}" --write-out "%{http_code}" --output /dev/null
if [[ $CENTRAL_HTTP_CODE -ne 401 ]]; then
  echo "$CENTRAL_HTTP_CODE" > /dev/stderr
  exit 1
Set permissions and reload monit
chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/;
chmod 0644 /etc/monit/conf.d/central.conf;
monit reload;