Problem with ODK Collect 1.2(1012)

Hmm. The version of javarosa in ODK Collect 1.2 is apparently much stricter
in how you reference your data values in calculate and relevant expressions.

The problem is that you are referencing just the name 'TA_NkhataBay' in an
expression instead of '/Install2012LivTraining-4a/TA_NkhataBay'

So there's an error in this bind:

  <bind calculate="concat(/Install2012LivTraining-4a/TA_Chitipa,

/Install2012LivTraining-4a/TA_Kasungu, /Install2012LivTraining-4a/TA_Mzimba,

  • TA_NkhataBay,* /Install2012LivTraining-4a/TA_Nkhotakota,
    /Install2012LivTraining-4a/TA_Rumphi, /Install2012LivTraining-4a/MzuzuWard,
    nodeset="/Install2012LivTraining-4a/TA" type="string"/>

and here:

  <bind nodeset="/Install2012LivTraining-4a/Photo"

relevant="not(selected(/Install2012LivTraining-4a/WaterDepthOK,'No') or
selected(/Install2012LivTraining-4a/BuildingType,'Latrine') or selected
(/Install2012LivTraining-4a/BuildingType,'Kraal') or *
selected(BuildQuality,'BadWell')*)" required="true()" type="binary"/>

Adding the /Install2012LivTraining-4a/ to the front of these references to
those values will correct the form.

e.g., for the last one, you need to change this to

ยทยทยท On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 4:24 AM, Hayden Boyd wrote:

Hello Mitchell,

I updated from ODK Collect 1.1.7 to 1.2(1012) from Play Store on
7/22/2012. Several forms that worked fine in 1.1.7 no longer load in 1.2.
The error message for one form is "XPath evaluation: type mismatch Node
BuildQuality does not exist!" where BuildQuality is a select1 variable.
Another form gives a similar message with a different select1 variable.
Inspection of the xml code (generated by XLSForm) reveals no apparent

I've attached the xml file, in case that would be helpful.

Please advise. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

All the best,

Hayden Boyd

507 Delburg Street
Davidson, NC 28036 U.S.A.
Telephone: 704-655-2652
Mobile: 704-756-5838

Mitch Sundt
Software Engineer
University of Washington