Publishing From Aggregate to Google Sheets

Hello All,
Any help is much appreciated.

I am attempting to Publish from a running Aggregate instance on AWS to Google Sheets on a G Suite account.

Error: RequestFailureException ( 500 Internal Server Error { "error": { "errors": [ { "domain": "global", "reason": "internalError", "message": "Internal Error" } ], "code": 500, "message": "Internal Error" } } )

The step-by-step on this seems to be a little out-dated.
Thanks in advance

Hello Again,
For future users,
NO! You cannot use a G Suite Account, at least from my experience.
I followed the same directions on using my personal gmail, and it worked.

Follow-up question,
How can I increase the frequency of the data being pushed from Aggregate via the API to Google Sheets?
Right now it has ~15 min delay according to posts I have read.
