Recommended phones and hierarchical questionnaires

  1. Do you have any recommended brands of e-readers that work well with ODK?
    I'm looking into the Nook, the Kindle, Kobo e-reader, etc. and want to know
    if you have recommendations (not sure which support ODK/run on android

ODK works on most (pretty much all) devices running Android 1.6 or
greater. See
for more on which devices others in the community have used.

  1. Can you create hierarchical questionnaires on ODK - ones that export data
    to two different databases? For example, if you're doing a household survey
    and you want some data to be entered into a household level database and
    other information to be entered only for individuals.

You can have two forms in ODK Collect. One for households, one for
individuals. Both forms can be submitted to the ODK Aggregate and
you'll be able to export both separately as CSVs (or whatever format
you'd like. To link the data, you'll need a household_id question in
the form for individuals, as well as the form for the households.