Review all entries before submission in ODK Collect

What is the general goal of the feature?
To reduce errors in submissions by showing a review screen of whatever data has been entered. It should be on one page in a scrollable format, so that the field personnel can quickly check for errors in his entries.

A bonus feature would be if they could click on a question in the review page and the app takes them to the corresponding query page to make a change quickly.

There are two ways to do this now.

On any screen during the form filling session, you can hit the Jump/Goto in the top menu (looks like an arrow pointing to a circle) and see all the questions.

You can also use a note to build a custom summary screen.

For example, if you had the following as a label
Patient's name: ${patient-name}
Patient's age: ${patient-age}

It'd print this in Collect
Patient's name: Bob Smith
Patient's age: 15

Can you try these approaches and see if they work for you?