Select Multiple Using Pull data

HH Roster Update Form v2.xlsx (20.9 KB)
hh.csv (255 Bytes)
indiv.csv (633 Bytes)

Good day everyone,
i attached my form (all data are dummy data).
I am trying to update information for all household members using pull data. I would like to select_one a single household , and then pull all members of that household and ask if they are still members before proceeding to update the information of only those who are still members and then right at the end, I want to ask if they are new additional members in the household and then proceed to ask their name and relationship to household head I want to do this for all households using pull data as i feel it would be easier for the data collectors. Would appreciate the help. Thanks

Hi @orduen_shambe ! :smile:

I have updated the form for you, it's seems to be working now (attached below)! I've also highlighted all of the additions and changes I've made to make it work using the yellow color.

There are a few things I would like to highlight:

  1. Here, in this case, we are basically trying to auto-populate the repeat group based on the entries in media files. Now, when this happens, different versions of Enketo produce different results (yes, that's one reason why I hate Enketo :sweat_smile: ) for the same. So, the modified form, the one I've attached below, will definitely function for ODK Collect, but! - may not function for Enketo or online form filling as expected based on the version of Enketo / ODK Central you're using!
  2. I believe, the form I've attached below can be optimized even further based on your workflows. Thus, it works when used with ODK Collect, but it's not the most optimal approach.

Let me know! :smile:

HH Roster Update Form v2.xlsx (24.7 KB)

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Thanks very much. Sorry for the late reply. Please, blame the holidays. Your solution deployed very well. However. on the first page, I can't seem to select a household. The drop down list is empty and even entering a number does not allow me to proceed forward

Sorry. I went through your form and I didn't see a place where it asks if members of the household are currently still members and then only proceeds to ask those who are still members. Thanks for your help.