Send instance content to submitter's email

Dear all,
I have survey with some questions are important to the submitters. They wants to have a copy of form instance that they have just submitted.
Instances are kept in device so it's OK if 1 submitter use 1 device.
But it becomes more complex if many submitters use the same device to do survey. In this case, whenever start a survey, submitter need to define their identification( username, email...) in advance in form metadata. In my case, hospital collect data from their patient as a submitter using hospital's device. Then data is sent to submitter via their email manually.
I'm thinking of adding a last question to the survey to get submitter email address and send instance content to them automatically when finalize. I'm not a coder so I don't know how difficult to make this feature.
So pls give your idea on this feature or any more simple way for submitter to having a instance copy.

See Sending a text message (SMS) or email from a form in Collect for a sample form that lets you send an email with whatever variables you'd like. We also have this documented at Does that solve your problem?

Thank you Yaw.
So glad knowing that the solution has been already there. I'll try it now.

Hi @yanokwa
I've just try the feature "Specifying a URI as intent data". Basically, it's possible to mail the instance content to submitter. However,
1/ It's quite difficult to generate a long good looking email body. Maybe it's already possible but I don't know how to send the instance content as an attachment of .pdf or .csv or .zip. If you have some time, pls kindly give me a sample form.
2/ The behavior (when the submitter inputs his email address, then launch external app and send email to himself the content he has just input to the form) is somehow strange. I prefer the submitter just inputs his email address only, and the sending action happen behind screen when he finalize the form.

I agree that this could be better and we welcome contributions here.

Can you tell me the underlying reason why submitters need a copy of the instance?

Thank you @yanokwa.
For example we have local hospital or medical station where people register for a vaccination or apply for a health insurance plan. They need to put in the form their personal information and state their current health status. The form finally is signed and kept by both submitter( 1 copy) and hospital officer ( 1 copy).