Sharing Google drive credentials through QR code

Hi @tejaswini_J.S

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I'm not sure if I understand your question exactly, but will answer it two ways to see if one of them is what you need...

If you mean that you are not allowed to give Google drive credentials, then I think you would need to share a folder on Google Drive with your volunteers (you put the xml form and any media there along with the blank Google Sheet that is the submission URL). In this scenario the volunteer chooses Google Drive as their server in General Settings > Server, authorises ODK Collect to have access to Drive and then they can download the blank form. I have done this on a few projects, but it's quite 'clunky' - you need to get the Google ID from the volunteer first and set things up with sharing the folder, then the volunteer needs to set up their own device.

The other interpretation is that you have a 'shared' Google id and you want to set up the volunteers' devices with this id within ODK Collect? You can create a QR code for the settings in ODK Collect that includes this ID as long as the source device (i.e. the one you use to create the QR code) has the server type selected as Google Drive (and the Google account named). I think you would still need the volunteers to authenticate Drive on each device, so they'd have to sign in to Google using those credentials through ODK.

I was trying to do the opposite (i.e. not include Google credentials in a QR code) so I think this post might help you understand what happens...

Hope this helps